2022 Non-US Global Tax Market Assessment

January 6, 2022

This webinar provides insights into the current global tax landscape outside the United States. We explore key trends and challenges facing tax leaders across Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA), Asia-Pacific (APAC), and Latin America (LATAM) regions.

Key topics discussed include:

  1. The impact of BEPS 2.0 implementation and U.S. tax reforms on global tax departments
  2. The rise of new tax types, including environmental and digital taxes
  3. Increased focus on tax risk management and controversy
  4. The evolving role of tax leaders in influencing business strategy
  5. Recruitment challenges and talent retention in a competitive market
  6. The ongoing effects of hybrid and flexible working models
  7. Regional perspectives on tax technology, audits, and regulatory changes

We emphasize the growing similarities in challenges faced across different geographical regions, highlighting the need for tax leaders to be proactive in addressing these issues. The webinar also touches on the importance of educating boards and senior leadership about tax matters and the opportunities for tax departments to demonstrate their value.

Throughout the discussion, we provide insights on hiring trends, salary considerations, and the changing skill sets required for modern tax professionals. The session concludes with region-specific updates for EMEA, APAC, and LATAM, offering a comprehensive view of the global tax landscape.

This webinar serves as a valuable resource for tax leaders looking to navigate the complex and rapidly changing international tax environment.pe, including the increasing importance of soft skills and adaptability in work arrangements.

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